PROFESSIONAL EDGE with columnist Kim R. Wells, from the WWW.BLACKCOLLEGIAN.COM Career Center

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Value of Your Good Name!

I am excited that so many students and young professionals are striving to start their own businesses, have their sights on the top executive suites in business, government, and other industries. But like the old-timers in my hometown of Princeton, NJ used to tell me, one of the most important qualities you can ever have as a successful professional is a Good Name.

Many professionals today have more degrees than a thermometer from some of the world's most prestigious universities, hold influential positions in business and government, live in exclusive neighborhoods, drive luxury cars, have all the new techie toys and whistles, etc., etc., but none of these should ever be confused with having a Good Name.

The world has a lot of so called "business stars," but often few live up to the hype, and many rarely deliver more than smooth "business speak" and a well sculpted image, in part why our economy is in the shape it is in today, too many drank that Kool Aid!

Former NFL Coach Herman Edwards may have put it best. In a recent television interview Coach Edwards shared how as a boy his father once told him, "Son I don't have a lot to give you but a good name, what you do with it is up to you."

Do you have a Good Name, or "Credibility Capital" with the people around you? The world has enough slick professionals and today people and organizations are looking for real leadership, innovation, and results. As you move forward to make your way in this great time of opportunity and change presented in this new economy, take a moment, and make sure you are doing everything you can to develop and maintain your Good Name.


1 comment:

Marcie said...


You are so right to stress the value of a good name as a part of one's personal brand. My father used to say all the time, mantra that a good name is a good thing to have, an easy thing to lose and the hardest thing to get back.