PROFESSIONAL EDGE with columnist Kim R. Wells, from the WWW.BLACKCOLLEGIAN.COM Career Center

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Professional Edge is Retooling for An Exciting New Year!

We are in the process of retooling the Professional Edge Blog site and plan to return soon with an exciting new format that will serve as a leading career and professional development networking space for you!

While we are in the process of retooling the site we are very interested in hearing from you of ways we can continue to grow the Professional Edge site to inspire continued national/global involvement and dialogue with you and your peers. Please write us at with all exciting and innovative suggestions you may have.
Have an excellent day and holiday season!
Kim R. Wells

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Managing Stress In Your Career

In an excellent article that appeared in the 11/07 SHRM online newsletter, HR News, the growing modern day stress of balancing challenges of money, work, and family was discussed. For many today the balance of work, family and enduring the economic challenges of our times is causing great stress that is not always properly managed by many, that can lead to further health, productivity, financial, and family challenges.

It is important for all young professionals to enter the workforce today with a strategy to manage the stress caused by their workloads and other important personal and financial responsibilities in their lives. Stress is part of the course in life's journey, but how you manage it will mean the difference between a very healthy and successful life and career, and a career that seems like a consistent roller coaster ride of up and down health, emotional stability, professional and financial challenges.

A few stress busting strategies to consider:

Accept that stress is a part of life, it is not that you are somehow failing or incompetent, stress is faced by all, but managed better by some than others.

Share your concerns with a friend, mentor, or trusted colleague. Sometimes simply discussing the challenge with others who are committed to you as friend or professional will help take the edge off of the issue, and open up a dialogue that can assist you in sorting through matters that are weighing you down.

Try engaging in physical activity such as daily walking and running, or other exercise that will will assist in the long run in developing your physical endurance, but also in providing an excellent short term solution in breaking up your day, and providing an opportunity to clear your mind.

Schedule a good laugh with friends, it can assist you in changing your mindset, particularly if you have been focusing for long periods of time on challenging or negative situations.

If you are a praying person, take time to pray and mediate on your core spiritual beliefs and God.

Don't be embarrassed to get help, such as seeing a counselor, meeting with a therapist, or your local pastor or a religious counselor. These individuals can assist in hearing your concerns and offering excellent advice on moving forward.

Take a look at the below article for more discussion on the relationship between stress and the workplace.


Money and Work Spell S-T-R-E-S-S

By Kathy Gurchiek, an associate editor for HR News.

If you’ve squeezed the life out of that squishy stress ball on your desk, you’re probably not alone.

Nearly half of U.S. workers say their stress level has increased over the past five years, according to an American Psychological Association (APA) survey.
It’s contributing to lost productivity at work, health problems and poor relationships, the survey says. Money and work are still the leading causes of stress for three-fourths of Americans, up from 59 percent in 2006, but the housing crisis is a new trigger. Concerns over rent and mortgages were causes of stress for 51 percent of Americans in 2007, the APA found.

And about one-third of those surveyed are stressing out over their difficulty in managing work and family responsibilities. The fact that their jobs interfere with family or personal time is a significant cause of stress for 35 percent of workers, the APA found in the English and Spanish online survey conducted Aug. 30 to Sept. 11, 2007, with more than 1,800 workers.

A smaller number—8 percent—linked stress to divorce or separation, and 25 percent said stress created alienation between them and a friend or family member. “Stress in America continues to escalate and is affecting every aspect of people’s lives—from work to personal relationships to sleep patterns and eating habits, as well as their health,” said psychologist Russ Newman in a press release. “We know that stress is a fact of life and some stress can have a positive impact; however, the high stress levels that many Americans report experiencing can have long-term health consequences, ranging from fatigue to obesity and heart disease,” said Newman, the APA’s executive director for professional practice.

Scientists have a difficult time defining stress, but the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) says job stress is the harmful physical and emotional responses that come about when the job requirements don’t match the worker’s capabilities, resources or needs.
It should not, NIOSH says on its web site, be confused with “challenge,” which it calls “an important ingredient for healthy and productive work.” Stress is believed to be linked to workplace injury and psychological issues such as depression and burnout, and it is thought to be linked to cardiovascular disease and an increased risk in developing disorders to the back and upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders, NIOSH says, citing the Encyclopedia of Occupational Safety and Health. It costs U.S. businesses more than $300 billion annually, attributable to absenteeism; turnover; diminished productivity; medical, legal and insurance expenses; and workers’ compensation payments, the American Institute of Stress says on its web site.

And it’s a top reason employees leave, according to a WorldatWork survey released in October 2007 that found only 50 percent of employers offer stress management programs. “Companies need to seriously rethink their approach to workplace stress,” said Kathie Lingle, director of the Alliance for Work-Life Progress. The alliance is an affiliate of WorldatWork. “It’s not just about treating the symptoms of stress with massages and yoga classes,” she said in a press release, “but actually delving into the company’s work processes and culture to figure out potential causes of pressure, such as lack of supervisor and co-worker support, inadequate feedback, workload or scheduling issues.”

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Integrating New Technology in Learning: What a Concept!

Attached is a fantastic YouTube video that was put together by students at KSU. This video is "the message" KSU students want every professor and staff member at colleges or universities to see about their needs, and the power of integrating new technology and innovation to meet those needs. This is one of the most profound messages I have seen in my years in consulting and career development regarding the learning needs and expectations of the “millennial generation.”

Many of us have taken significant steps to integrate new technologies into our professional learning, not to mention our daily lives, but this video is a sharp reminder of the needs that have evolved for today's college students and young professionals, and how we should all take a closer look at the technologies of our times to reshape learning and academic excellence.

Take a look at this video and let us know what you think. To many of you this may seem like old news, but the world would love to hear what you think this video is saying, and what you see as the next steps we should all take to create a new generation of learning. Enjoy the clip. Share your views.

Kim R. Wells

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Building a Diverse Workforce

Great article on diversity recruitment...check it out. KRW

Counting On a More Diverse Workforce by Cassie M. ChewOct 17, 2007, 21:39

Big Four auditing firm Deloitte & Touche LLP USA may have found a way to address two of the top challenges for public accounting firms of the decade: finding and retaining qualified staff and recruiting new leadership.

Deloitte is going to campuses across the United States in search of its next generation of talented accounting professionals with a recruitment and retention program designed to finance the education of selected scholars, get their feet in the door at the company and set them on the path to a successful career.

The Future Leaders Apprentice Program (FLAP) began a year ago under the efforts of Kaplan Mobray, Deloitte’s U.S. diversity recruiting leader. Last year, Deloitte began going to colleges within the company’s seven regions, including 25 schools the New Yorkbased auditor has designated as sources for finding talented African-American, American Indian, Asian and Hispanic accounting majors, in search of FLAP recruits.

Deloitte is seeking scholars with good grades, leadership potential and demonstrated commitment to their communities. The company has recruited 52 FLAP scholars (including participants in FLAP junior scholars), with 35 now working at Deloitte offices across the United States, Mobray says.

FLAP has three components: Upon accepting a $5,000 scholarship for use toward undergraduate educational expenses or the fifth-year of study required to become a CPA, recruits agree to take a job with Deloitte. Once hired, the scholars participate in a twoyear leadership development curriculum that features seminars and opportunities to meet top executives. They also are matched with Deloitte mid- and senior-level managers who serve as their mentors and sponsors.

The leadership component is “designed to help new accounting professionals gain those esoteric skills outside of their regular job functions that lead to success,” Mobray says. The curriculum will help recruits develop the skills to serve Deloitte’s clients, bring value to the company, work in a team environment and become leaders, he adds.

With auditing executives retiring and recent legislation that requires U.S. companies to submit more reports on financial transactions, Deloitte and the other “Big Four” auditors — Ernst & Young LLP, KPMG LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP — are all understaffed and in search of their firm’s next leaders.

“The small number of African-American partners and senior executives in public accounting gives the perception that there is restricted access to these positions” says Frank Ross, Visiting Professor of Accounting and Director, Howard University Center for Accounting Education“I think all the firms are starting to address this (lack of mentors for minority associates). They (firms) are also finding ways to encourage minorities to sit for the [CPA] exam,” says Frank Ross, a retired certified public accountant and visiting professor of accounting at Howard University who heads up its business school’s Center for Accounting Education. Historically, diversity has been a challenge for the accounting industry, Ross and other experts say.

Opening Doors

In 2004, African-Americans, American Indians, Asians and Hispanics made up about 8 percent of professionals at public accounting firms, according to the most recent statistics compiled by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Turnover at accounting firms in 2004 was higher among minority professionals, according to AICPA. “There are probably people at Deloitte that recognize retention is still the big issue,” says Dr. Theresa A. Hammond, associate professor of accounting and Ernst & Young Re- search Fellow in diversity studies at Boston College’s Wallace E. Carroll School of Management.

Learning how to successfully navigate a company’s corporate culture is important to succeeding at public accounting firms, which tend to have a hierarchal structure in which recruits come straight out of college, and successful employees get promoted every few years on a regular schedule to senior, then to manager, then to partner, Hammond says.

Historically, African-American employees have had to exceed expectations in order to be given a chance at promotions early in their careers. The rigid timing of CPA firm promotions may have resulted in talented African- Americans leaving the firm, frustrated by the lack of opportunity early in their career. Hammond thus described the climate in a typical CPA firm to the oversight subcommittee of the House Committee on Financial Services during a 2004 hearing on diversity in the financial services industry.

Members of the National Association of Black Accountants Inc. say the two-year leadership development component of FLAP is needed for minority accounting professionals to stay the course.

A February 2006 NABA membership survey found the development of “soft-skills” is key to career growth. Competence, self-confidence and the setting of expectations are the top three factors that lead to success, members reported. Establishing credibility and navigating corporate politics are challenges to success, the survey found.

Respondents also said they needed better communication, interpersonal, networking, organizational, time-management and networking skills — things that don’t relate to technical or industry-specific knowledge.

In response to its findings, NABA added a new component to its executive education series and has joined the Howard University Center for Accounting Education to conduct day- and week-long seminars to help accounting professionals at different stages in their careers gain the skills to take them to the next level.

Both organizations encourage minority accounting professionals to become certified public accountants early in their careers.

Meeting the requirements to become a CPA gives an accounting professional the authority to sign-off on a company’s audited financial statements and can open doors to top financial management positions, Hammond says.

Righting Historical Wrongs

In addition to the 150-credit hour course of study and passing the CPA exam, certification requires work experience at a CPA firm. Of the 8 percent of minorities working for public accounting firms in 2004, just 1 percent were Black.

In her book, A White-Collar Profession: African-American Certified Public Accountants Since 1921, published in 2002, Hammond related the stories of several African- American accountants whose dreams of earning the credential were deferred because accounting firms refused to hire them.

In the late 1960s, firms began to hire and promote African-Americans; then during the 1980s, in the midst of complaints of “reverse discrimination,” the percentage of African- Americans working for public accounting firms declined, Hammond says. There also was a dearth in the number of African- American accounting professors to provide role models and encourage students to enter the profession. Organizations such as The PhD Project have since helped to increase the number of minority business school faculty.

Deloitte’s mentorship component may help chip away the historical challenges the industry has faced retaining minority accountants.

Ross says firms are challenged with retaining a diverse staff for several reasons.

“The small number of African-American partners and senior executives in public accounting gives the perception that there is restricted access to these positions,” says Ross, a founding member of NABA. “There is little incentive to go through the rigors required if they are ultimately denied access at the top.”

In 2003, Ross retired from his post as the Mid-Atlantic area managing partner of KPMG’s audit and risk advisory services and managing partner of the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. Minorities made up five percent of partners and owners at CPA firms in 2004, according to AICPA.

Additionally, there is a lack of mentors “that will open doors and assign them to engagements where they can get the experience to grow,” Ross adds. “African-Americans don’t always get on high-profile engagements where they can gain the visibility and the experience necessary to compete at the highest levels.”

--Cassie M. Chew

The ABC's of Diversity

Dennis Kennedy, Founder and CEO of the Texas Diversity Council recently sent
me a copy of their online newsletter DiversityFirst that I really enjoyed. I thought I would pass on this great resource and a sample of one of their articles called The ABC's of Diversity which was written by Virginia Moody, President and CEO of the firm Moody & Associates. Enjoy!

The ABC's of Diversity – Making Difference Matter

Courtesy of Dennis Kennedy

By Virginia MoodyPresident/CEOMoody & Associates

The global workforce today and beyond brings new challenges for diversity as we embark upon expanding the workforce to reach across borders into other cultures, or to invite other cultures to work within the American borders. The past "ABCs" of diversity have been challenged. Now we must take additional steps to understand the definition of "diversity" within a particular context or country. Then we must determine the core components of a successful diversity strategy based upon the country, the culture and the laws and policies appropriate for that country. Finally, we need to consider the measures of success for diversity in that country.

Doing business with and in foreign countries, with different cultures, different languages, skills and talents has replaced the previous "basic diversity awareness" of race and gender with an expanded list of areas to be considered. The old saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is quiet appropriate. However, regardless of where we are, there remains certain "human rights" that should apply across the board.

Diversity means respect for all people and inclusion of all people, regardless of their backgrounds or experiences. We should ask these questions about our organization's commitment to diversity: Are opportunities really equal for all people with equal skills and talents? Is leadership in front of ensuring that diversity is the "norm" rather that the exception? Do all employees feel a part of the organization, feel valued and respected for who they are and what they contribute?

The bottom line for companies who are smart and want to remain successful for years to come is this — diversity is here to stay. In business, we all learn that there are some things we must do to survive. Diversity is the key to survival and to success.

Score, from 1 to 10 for each area, 10 being the highest score:

A – Assess your diversity temperature. Where do you stand on diversity. Are you sold on it? Do you believe in it? Do you understand it? Your Score: __________

Assess your organization. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, where does your organization stand on diversity? Is your organization diversity smart? Does the organization walk the diversity talk? Does leadership believe in diversity? Organizational Score: ________

B – Do you have "buy-in" to the diversity initiative? Will you market diversity, ensure you speak up appropriately when things need to be addressed? Will you be a part of needed change? Will you help the organization to move forward?Your Score: __________

Does your organization have a diversity program? A diversity plan? Does your organization communicate their diversity policies and values?Organizational Score: _________

C – Are you committed to serving as a part of a diversity initiative within your community and/or organization? Would you serve as a mentor to a high school or elementary student to assist them in understanding the need to be non-judgmental toward others who may be different and the power in being inclusive?Your Score: __________

Does your organization have a special program that encourages employees to share their culture for better understanding and connections? Does your organization encourage participation in mentorship or cultural events to expand employee understanding of cultures, differences and the power of inclusion? Are there internal celebrations to learn about various cultures, skills, talents, and backgrounds that enhance the company's products and services?Organizational Score: __________

Lastly imagine a place where, regardless of who you are and what you are, you feel a sense of belonging, a sense that you have something of value to contribute to those around you. Imagine a place where your ideas matter and are respected, a place where you are encouraged to be a part of a greater good. Imagine a place where you believe you are treated fairly in the work place, in a restaurant, and within an educational system. Imagine a place where your salary is based upon your talents, your skills and your performance - and nothing else. Imagine a support system that says "success" first and there is no "second best."
Just imagine diversity at its best!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Establishing Mental Frameworks in Developing Your Professional Development Strategy

In a time of great marketplace opportunity and competition, yet continual diversity challenges, it is imperative that young African American professionals write and stick to a professional development strategy for their careers. I have seen some of the best and brightest undergraduate students, MBAs, and experienced professionals in their battle to stay competitive and upwardly mobile, lose their focus, neglect their individual professional development efforts, and often slip into mediocre performance. Ultimately the lack of a professional development strategy will lead even the best professional in a fog about his/her future and hinder many from taking necessary steps to continually advance and develop professionally. Smart and ambitious professionals need to always have a professional development strategy in place, and if they do not, at some point by default you may set into motion a process of long-term professional decline.

Today I facilitated an intense training/group coaching session on professional development strategy with Howard's Society of Collegiate Black Men organization. This group of polished and successful Howard men asked for a serious "executive level" presentation that was transparent and similar to that of some of my executive coaching and alumni sessions. The session was for two hours and covered in detail many of the concepts and issues behind developing and implementing a professional development strategy (PDS).

Some of the key concepts we discussed in our session:

Setting your goals to the highest of standards, and examine why you may have a problem in setting high goals for your career. This segment included a short discussion of various people, factors and influences present and past that may have influenced their thinking about themselves and may have caused them to lower their professional standards or expectations.

Setting high goals of salary expectations, wealth accumulation, and securing of financial resources. We discussed this in light of the fact that with high resource expectations, they must do a serious review and develop a detailed plan to identify and access resources, understand the market value of their talents across industries and remember the power of information, accessing and developing excellent council around them. We discussed how the great wealth of advisers, mentors, and scholars around them, particularly while in college could assist them in clarifying their goals, developing their plans and the healthy expectations necessary to move forward effectively.

We reviewed professional assessment instruments like the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, that would assist them in effectively gaging their leadership and performance styles and preferences, and ultimately how they can better manage how they may be showing up and interacting with others.

We also discussed establishing quality mentorships, and the critical aspect of approaching potential mentors by volunteering to serve them, adding value to the relationship, and ultimately proving themselves as worthy of the personal time and commitment of the chosen mentor. We discussed how people like to mentor people who remind them of themselves, and who like them also value character, work hard, service, intelligence, and the highest levels of professional follow-through.

We discussed the importance of establishing lines for feedback and accountability with employers, faculty, peers of value, mentors, and career coaches.

We discussed accountability, both to themselves and others that invest time and resources in their strategy.

We discussed separating themselves from mediocre thought, and people. Instead I recommended that they invest their time and commitments to the development and mastery of targeted information, development of new and invigorating professional networks, all of which would assist in their growth and ultimate value in the marketplace.

A theme throughout the session however was the importance of altering their mindset or paradigm around levels of success, and resources that they had access too. One of the key take backs for them from the session was if you are willing to invest the time and commitment to do the research, sacrifice, work hard, ask smart questions and brainstorm with peers, mentors, and available coaches that the development of resources becomes much more realistic and obtainable.
Spiritual grounding and Prayer. Enough said.

We of course had a worksheet for writing their goals, discussed establishing "hard" times lines etc., but what I believe the heart of the session was about was establishing the critical mental frameworks necessary in building a successful professional development strategy.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Developing Leadership with a "Multicultural Twist"

In a growing global and diverse marketplace, we all --yes Black folks that includes us too, need to examine how well we lead and grow opportunities amongst diverse people and groups in the US and around the world. Don't make the short-sighted mistake of some young professionals in thinking that your leadership skills will never have to extend beyond your "comfort zone," that is people that look, talk and act like you. Ring--Ring, I think that's your alarm...its time to wake up and join the new millennial marketplace!

I just read a great article in SHRM's HR Week entitled Leadership with a Multicultural Twist by Rebecca R. Hastings, September 2007. Take a look at this clip from the article, take notes and remember her points if you are looking for a professional edge! KRW

Most companies include employees from multiple races, nationalities, religions and age groups. To ensure that these teams are effective, leaders must adopt approaches that acknowledge the new multicultural environment, one author suggests.

"Today's leadership models, although they may differ from person to person and method to method, generally have a common bias toward Western- or European-influenced ways of thinking," says Juana Bordas, president of Mestiza Leadership International in Denver and author of Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a Multicultural Age (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2007). "We're leading as if our companies are filled with white men and, quite clearly, that's no longer the case."

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2010 one-third of U.S. residents will trace their descendants to Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands or the Middle East. In her book, Bordas says that the most successful businesses will be those that incorporate the influences, practices and values of these diverse cultures in a respectful and productive manner.
"Multicultural leadership encourages an inclusive and adaptable style that cultivates the ability to bring out the best in our diverse workforce and to fashion a sense of community with people from many parts of the globe," Bordas says. "It enables a wide spectrum of people to actively engage, contribute and tap their potential.

“Making sure that your workplace has culturally inclusive leadership will be one of the most important transitions you make into the new globalized world," she adds, not only to improve the working environment, but also to better engage the needs of a multicultural consumer base.

Bordas suggests eight ways to make the transition to a multicultural leadership model:

• Understand the roots of U.S. leadership styles. Expanding the leadership at your organization into a multicultural form requires an understanding of how Eurocentric and hierarchical leadership became dominant in the first place. Bordas says leaders need to learn about other cultures to adapt their leadership styles. "You can't just go to a seminar for a day and come out understanding why the old Eurocentric leadership models won't work in a globalized world."

• Think we, not I. Black, Latino and American Indian cultures are generally collectivist in nature and more tightly woven than Eurocentric cultures. As a result, they cherish unity and harmony. "To maintain these elements, people behave politely, act in a socially desirable manner and respect others," says Bordas. "People work for group success before personal credit or gain."

• Practice generosity, not greed. In communities of color, being generous is an expected leadership trait that indicates integrity and garners respect. "Just as employees are generous with their hard work, company leaders need to show generosity by paying employees fair wages," she says. Multicultural leaders are also generous with their time and concern for employees and customers.

• Flatten the leadership structure. The U.S. leadership model is often associated with mega-bonuses, big offices and special parking places. These types of perks can result in economic and social chasms between leaders and employees. “Today's high-powered CEOs are known for what they take," says Bordas. "But as the world flattens, successful companies will be those whose CEOs view themselves as just another part of the company and who place value in the expertise and innovation of their employees.”

• Help people learn to work better together. Despite outward similarities, every employee, manager or CEO is unique. Successful businesses are those that teach employees to accept small differences and work together for the greater good of the organization.

• Minimize conflict by reminding employees that they truly are "family." Aside from heading up different projects and managing different departments, company leaders are expected to bring together employees who may not get along. "In multicultural leadership, one step toward minimizing conflict is encouraging people to view each other as relatives," says Bordas. "It makes them feel a responsibility to find a way to coexist in order to benefit the company."

• Foster a culture that's accepting of spirituality. As long as no one tries to force his or her faith on anyone else, the entire workplace is free to learn from one another and be inspired by the values that underlie many faith traditions, such as hope, optimism and gratitude. Leaders can foster such a culture by being open about their own beliefs.

• Focus employees on a company vision. Most organizations have a company motto or promise that is meant to inspire employees and assure customers that only the highest quality product or service will be delivered, but some mottos may not represent the beliefs and attitudes of all employees. "In order to develop a company vision that truly reflects the diverse attitudes of your employees, think of it as a community vision," says Bordas.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Keep It Moving!

One of the old sayings we had in the late eighties, (yes I am dating myself) was Keep It Moving or "K" to the "I" to the "M"-- (yeah I like it for obvious reasons)!

I would like to resurrect "K.I.M" for today's entry. I know some of you may be frustrated in a job market riddled with inconsistencies, disparities, ambivalence, and out right discrimination toward young Black professionals...but Keep It Moving.

Talent is talent, and excellence is excellence, people can attempt to debate, deny, and try to redefine you all they want, but when the day is over it's all about who can deliver... Keep It Moving.

Stop distracting yourself with the delusional, toxic, and small-minded agenda's of the socially, professionally, and spiritually misguided, who's agendas are a reflection of their self-preservation, self-interest, and self-glorification. It doesn't matter if they are on Wall Street, Main Street, or Your Street, a snake is a snake, if they fit the profile, don't eat their "apples." Look to the real champions for answers, champions of the past and present who have answers, expertise, and have delivered against the odds...Keep It Moving.

Take a vacation from the "lifestyles of the rich and ridiculous," and the "reality" they are trying to sell you, turn off their channels, and change the dial to wisdom, education, and the people who love and need you to show up in your right mind. Take time out from the socially irresponsible "products" and "services" of the self-proclaimed social architects, and misguided "idols" of the media. Remember the "idol" mind is the devil's playground, so don't get stagnant, be strategic; give your dream, spirit and mind a chance to heal, reveal, and refresh. Forgive thieves that have violated your dreams, forgive those that don't believe in a better tomorrow, you may still love them and can help them sort it out later, but for must Keep It Moving.

Carve out a rich and vibrant future, design your own brand of happiness and success. Yes future leader...its time to leave some "childish" people and behavior behind, and put some of those old "toys" back in the toy box, haven't you lost enough time playing "soldier" its time to be one. Like millions of African American leaders before you its time to transition, transcend, and transform your gifts, your world, your family and the many who are waiting for you to show up...Keep It Moving.

If you are wise you will embrace your journey and learn to face your fair share of bumps, dumps, and "punks" along your road to success---but rejoice and emerge yourself in the rich moments, relationships, victories, places you will encounter, inspire, and transform along the way. Receive the precious gifts of counsel from loving, wise, and accomplished people into your life, serve the less fortunate, look to the hills, stay on your knees, and Keep It Moving.

Kim R. Wells

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What Part of "No" Don't You Understand!

As a young professional, student, and even senior executive, one of the most powerful professional tactics you can acquaint yourself with is the use of the word "NO." In our multitasking culture, many of us have unfortunately slipped into the bad habit of trying to please everyone and engage in everything. The fact of the matter is that all of your "technical toys" and your ability to multitask could lore you into a false sense of performance capability, or drain you of critical time, energy, and resources that should be applied to more important priorities or plans. If you are not careful you could quickly hit a critical mass of engagement with mismanaged initiatives or people, that could totally derail your goals, hurt your reputation as a high performer, eventually bring your high flying career to a screeching halt! Don't get me wrong it is great to assist others and be a team player, but be wise about it, be strategic, and do it under conditions and circumstances that are acceptable and reasonable for you.

The fact of the matter is that a strategically placed "no" will firmly empower you to focus on and engage in goals, priorities, and people that are valuable to you. When you can't say "no" by default you become part of the problem, by empowering "sloppy" and draining professionals, enabling dysfunctional administrative practices and cultures. You may want to also seriously consider "escaping" a culture were you can not say "no" to unproductive or poorly performing people or initiatives, this sounds more like a prison not a healthy and empowering environment!

Can you remember a "yes" that should have been a "no"? A "nonstrategic" or mindless "yes" can cost you hours, days, and even years of regret and aggravation- so don't get caught in the moment, find the courage to say "no," don't be every one's "guardian angel" or "cape crusader," you have a career and life of your own that you have worked hard for, and planned for, don't let mediocrity creep into your world by others that don't value your time and talents, and in many cases are not doing the right thing to begin with.

Samples of Tactical "Nos"

  • Hard "No" - To the point, no hesitation, I simply don't have time, resources, or that is not my area of expertise.

  • Soft "No" - I would love to assist, give your personal support of the effort, but recommend they ask someone with more time, or who's expertise, department, or commitments, are in better alignment with their request.

  • Diplomatic "No"- Do not accept immediately, ask to get back to them. When you do have very specific examples of why their original request does not work for you-however, if under very limited and clearly stated conditions, including a precise and acceptable timetable, you may be able to provide limited assistance. Usually last minute and mismanaged people can not or will not be interested in working through rigid guidelines.

What do you think?

Kim R. Wells

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The U.S. Employment Picture

Whether you are in the job market, or about to enter it, here are some recent statistics that may be of interest to you. - KRW

According to a recent article in the September The Career News WASHINGTON, DC --

Employment rose in September, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 4.7 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported early this month. Average hourly earnings rose by 7 cents, or 0.4 percent.

Both total employment (146.3 million) and the civilian labor force (153.5 million) rose in September, however, the number of unemployed persons (7.2 million) and the unemployment rate (4.7 percent) remained consistent. A year earlier, the number of unemployed persons was 6.9 million and the jobless rate was 4.6 percent.

In September, health care, food services, and professional and technical services continued to add jobs, while employment trended down in manufacturing and construction. Over the month, the unemployment rates for adult men ( 4.2 percent), adult women (4.0 percent), showed little or no change.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bishop TD Jakes a Man With 21st Century Answers

Bishop T. D. Jakes—Ministerial and business visionary, entrepreneurial trailblazer, altruistic philanthropist, and spiritual shepherd to millions around the globe, is more than a man with a professional edge, but a man with an edge on life.

I am currently reading Bishop Jakes' new book Reposition Yourself, Living a Life Without Limits, I don't say this often, but this book will change your life. Bishop Jakes is a rare leader in our time that transcends his church ministry and his business TD Jakes Enterprises, and speaks life into the spirits, hearts and minds of many of today's young and mature Black leaders. If you do not know who this man is, well "Get Ready." His message is a powerful, timely, multifaceted, artistic combination of spiritual concepts, hard business strategy and tactics that has practical application to 21st Century life.

Take a look at the Bishop's daily Thought for the Day:

Let us know what you think- Kim R. Wells


Just after World War II, a psychiatrist named Viktor Frankl wrote a small and powerful book called "Man's Search for Meaning." Dr. Frankl was Jewish. When the Nazi's put him in a concentration camp, he began to study the people around him.

At that time, two schools of thought defined the basic human drive. One school said our basic drive is for power. The other said we are driven by sex. In the camps, however, prisoners had no power and were too weak for sex. Yet sometimes physically strong people withered while seemingly fragile people survived.

What was the drive that sustained their lives? Frankl saw that the strongest person, without hope, would perish. But many a weak person, with hope, could go on. What we hope for gives our lives meaning.

What is your life-sustaining hope?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Personal "Styles" That Could Be a Problem

Over the years heated discussions have taken place over the appropriateness of professional dress and appearance of African American professionals in the workplace. Amongst the debated issues have been the appropriateness of braids, ear rings for men, ethnic garb, visible body piercings, tightness and looseness of clothing, cut of dresses, jeans, ties, the definition of casual dress, and tattoos. We have all heard the horror stories about people wearing slippers, spandex, bright red "club/church suits" and the finest gators money could buy...yet they were surprised when they didn't get the job, never advance in their careers, or find that they can not get around the proverbial "brick wall" placed between them and anything that resembled clients, customers, and the public.

This issue is of particular relevance to African Americans, since many of us already face cultural biases at work, popular media stereotypes, and let's just admit some of us seem to suffer from "professional confusion"' and think we can wear the same outfits we wear to nightclubs and church to work. Hey not a problem if you wear nice conservative and tailored clothing to clubs or church, but if you think your bright red blazer, short minny skirt, low cut dress, or new green gators are impressing the boss, you may need some coaching.

The basic policy at most organizations is that they have the right to implement and enforce a dress code policy that they feel is appropriate as long as it doesn't discriminate. The problem is that interpretation of these policies can be extremely subjective, and difficult to enforce, and in many cases employers may simply exercise "at will" hiring privileges and release professionals without ever fully disclosing the actual reason was lack of professional tack, savvy, and poor projection of the corporate image or brand.

General Rules of Thumb:

  • Dress in the direction of being conservative, defined by leaders in the business and industry you aspire to.

  • Tattoos should be covered - For those that don't have them, make sure that if you decide to get one that you can cover it if needed, or else choose an industry/lifestyle where it is accepted.

  • Hair, especially if unsure should be conservative, reflective of current leadership and brands of the organization.

  • Dress should be loose fitting but not hanging off or revealing private body-parts.

  • Tight clothing, sends certain messages about your business/professional savvy, acumen, and level of competency, if these messages are negative, the tight clothes only mean you have "one physical competency" and that needs to be sorted out on your own personal time... if you know what I mean.

Unfortunately some so-called stars and public figures have done a self-serving "sales job" of labeling most Black people to the masses as thugs, loose in our morals, non-professional, incompetent and running around looking for our next sexual conquest. You may not like it but those are real stereotypes we all need to put to death every time we walk in the room and command our place at the table as leaders, intellectuals, and business people.

Kim R. Wells

Let us know what you think.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Value of Your "Good Name"

Just a quick thought today. I am excited that so many young African American professionals are striving to start their own businesses, have their sights on the top executive suites in business, government, entertainment and industry. But like the old-timers in my hometown of Princeton, NJ used to tell me, one of the most important qualities you can have as a successful professional is a good name.

Many people have attended great universities, hold influential titles and positions, live in prestigious neighborhoods, drive luxury cars, have all the new technical toys, and a large national and even global following, but none of these should ever be confused with having a good name.
The professional world has a lot of so called executive "stars," but offline many rarely lives up to the hype, deliver very little besides slick talk and a well sculpted image, their word is not their bond, they often can not shake your hand and look you square in the eye.
Like many of you I enjoyed the concepts and strategies presented in the book Good to Great, written by Jim Collins. The problem is that many professionals, regardless of their color, want to jump a critical step and be Great, without first achieving the more fundamental accomplishment of being Good.

Coach Herman Edwards of the NFL's Kansas City Chief's, once mentioned in a television interview that when he was a boy his father once shared the penetrating words of wisdom, "I don't have a lot to give you son but a good name, what you do with it is up to you."

Do you have a "good name", is your credit good with other people, whether it is measured in financial, personal, professional or even spiritual capital? The world has enough slick professionals, some of us need to go back to the basics and realize the value of having a good name.
Let us know what you think.

Kim R. Wells

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Understanding the Generational War at Work

I think this is a great article outlining the "generation wars" in the workplace. Originally published on ( by the Mayo Clinic ( Hey the battle is not in the relm of music and entertainment, as seen in recent reports of "hip-hop generation" vs the "Old G's,"or "O'Riely types." All of that is interesting, but consider that those generation wars can also hit you in the workplace, and if you don't get it right at work when working with other generations it will serverely impact your effectiveness as a profesional.

Take a look at this article, and let us know what you think.

Does the old geezer you work with stubbornly refuse to accept change? Does the inexperienced, fresh-out-of-college know-it-all have you tearing your hair out? Workplace tensions can arise when people of different generations — working side by side — don't understand each other. You can diffuse tension at work by learning about the differences among your colleagues, appreciating those differences and making an effort to interact with members of each generation in a way that suits their work ethic and communication style.

The generations in today's workplace: Who they are

People of today's workplace generations possess characteristics that derive, in large part, from the political, social and economic climate of their youth.

Traditionalists — Born 1900 to 1945. Sometimes referred to as the World War II generation, traditionalists have worked longer than any of the other generations. Experiencing two world wars and the Great Depression taught most members of this generation how to live within limited means. Traditionalists are loyal, hardworking, financially conservative and faithful to institutions. Many are approaching retirement or are retired and now working part-time jobs.
Baby boomers — Born 1946 to 1964. When the baby boomers entered the work force, they felt compelled to challenge the status quo, and they're responsible for many of the rights and opportunities now taken for granted. Their boundless optimism led many to fight for change. Because of their large numbers, they faced competition from each other for jobs. Baby boomers all but invented the 60-hour workweek, figuring that demonstrated hard work and loyalty to employers was one way to get ahead. Their sense of who they are is deeply connected to their career achievements. As a whole, this generation is politically adept when it comes to navigating political minefields in the workplace.

Generation Xers — Born 1965 to 1980. Generation Xers are technologically savvy, having ushered in the era of video games and personal computers during their formative years. But witnessing skyrocketing divorce rates, their parents being laid off after years of dedicated service and challenges to the presidency, organized religion and big corporations instilled a sense of skepticism and distrust of institutions. Because they don't expect employer loyalty, they see no problem changing jobs to advance professionally.
In contrast to the baby boomers' overtime work ethic, generation Xers believe that work isn't the most important thing in their lives. They're resourceful and hardworking, but once 5 o'clock hits, they'd rather pursue other interests.
Millennials — Born 1981 to 1999. Many in this generation are still in school, but the oldest millennials are recent college graduates just now entering the work force. These are kids who've had access to cell phones, pagers and personal computers all their lives.
Millennials are eager to learn and enjoy questioning things. They're confident and have high self-esteem. They're collaborators and favor teamwork, having functioned in groups in school, organized sports and extracurricular activities from a very young age. They reject the notion that they have to stay within the rigid confines of a job description. Expect them to keep their career options open. As opposed to generation Xers who change jobs, millennials are more likely to make entire career changes or to build parallel careers.

'Cuspers': Wedged between two generations

The birth years defining the generations aren't carved in stone. You might identify with more than one generation if your birth year falls near the beginning or the end of a given range of years. In that case, consider yourself a "cusper" — one who's on the cusp between one generation and the next.

How to bridge the generation gap: Steps to success

Now that you understand more about each generation, you're on your way to bridging the generation gaps in your own work environment.
The formula for success involves three steps: Be aware of the differences. Acknowledge that everyone is different. (Remember that) Your colleagues' unique experiences influence their attitudes toward work.

Appreciate the strengths. Instead of harboring frustration over differences, focus on the positive attributes your co-workers possess.

Manage the differences effectively. Once you've acknowledged the differences and taken time to consider the strengths of your co-workers, find ways to interact with them that will be mutually beneficial.

Baby boomers vs. generation Xers: Biggest potential for misunderstanding
Of the four generations, baby boomers and generation Xers comprise the majority of the work force today. An interesting dynamic is developing between these two groups as generation Xers move into management positions — and supervise baby boomer colleagues.
Fortunately, baby boomers and generation Xers can employ certain strategies to build better working relationships with each other.

Workplace strategies for generation Xers to use with baby boomers. If you're a generation Xer, you may be able to win favor with your baby boomer co-workers if you:

Show respect. Acknowledge that you have less experience and can learn from them. You may be quite bright, but you can always learn something new.

Choose face-to-face conversations. Many baby boomers find e-mail or voice mail too impersonal and prefer speaking with someone face to face.

Give them your full attention. Multitasking may help you accomplish a lot during the day. However, if you're typing away at an e-mail while your baby boomer colleague is talking to you about a project, chances are you'll wind up at odds with that colleague. Giving your full attention at the times it's needed actually may be more efficient in the long run.

Play the game. Workplace politics are a fact of life. As a generation Xer, you may be completely turned off by politics, but sometimes, you've just got to play the game. Baby boomers are diplomatic and particularly adept at navigating politically charged environments.
Learn the corporate history. Unless you've been with a company since its inception, know that plenty of things transpired at the organization long before you set foot in the door. Find out what's gone right and what's gone wrong in the past — especially the lessons learned over the years. Nothing rankles a baby boomer more than a new employee who breezes in and wants to change things, with seemingly no thought given to what's gone on before.

Working with traditionalists:

Honor the chain of command. Traditionalists have respect for authority and they expect it in return.

Offer them job security. Traditionalists value the legacy they've built with your company.

Value their experience. Use them as a resource to learn what has — and hasn't — gone right at the company in the past. Respect the insights they've gained from years of experience.

Appreciate their dedication. Unlike the other generations, traditionalists are most likely to have taken a job and stayed with one company for their entire careers.

Working with millennials. Enhance your working relationship with millennials with these tactics:

Challenge them. Millennials want to work on things that really matter. Offer more responsibility as a reward for their accomplishments.

Ask them their opinion. Millennials love to collaborate and be team players. They respond less enthusiastically to a dictatorial chain-of-command style of management.
Find them a mentor. Millennials have an affinity and great respect for traditionalists.

Establish mentor-mentee relationships between these two groups, and both parties will benefit.

Provide timely feedback. Millennials are used to getting feedback instantaneously — at the touch of a button. In the workplace, they expect frequent, worthwhile feedback.

Respect for generations goes both ways. Younger employees can learn to value the experience of their older co-workers. Likewise, older workers may benefit by embracing the fresh perspectives of their younger counterparts. The next time you find yourself scratching your head in disbelief over the work habits of a colleague, stop and consider whether generational factors are at play. It may just provide you with the enlightenment you need to successfully manage the situation.

Friday, September 21, 2007

5 Power Moves to Leverage Your Next Job Fair

Most college students and young professionals attend job fairs, either on campus, at professional conferences, at community and city-wide events. Unfortunately many leave the fair having missed great opportunities because they weren't properly prepared. I have seen students and talented professionals leave career fairs with multiple hot opportunities, while at the same fair their equals leave complaining of lack of "real opportunities" at the fair. As the saying goes "one man's garbage is another man's gold."

1. Do your pre-fair homework. Before you even step foot in the place, review all employers attending (often listed in online registration services or pre-fair advertisements) and plan a schedule on employers you would like to visit and specific opportunities of interest. Also note in some cases if available key contact names and titles of positions or programs you are interested in. Savvy employers pick up quickly who has done research prior to the fair, get a professional edge, be one of those people that stand out in the crowd.

2. Tailor your resume for career fair. This resume should be tailored to the employers and opportunities your researched prior to the fair (leave the generic versions home!). If you really want to take it to the next level prepare a cover letter with a specific contact and position listed (as listed pre-fair by the employer). ***Remember some employers are not able to accept resumes, don't take it personal, but remember to leave a card (note on back your strategic intent-position etc.), and immediately follow-up and apply online.

3. Prepare your "One Minute Power Presentation." This would be your initial 1 minute introduction of yourself, your academic background, most marketable experiences and skills, specific job or internship interest. Be concise, confident, and professional. You should prepare your presentation prior to the fair, but don't sound stiff and rehearsed. Through in a little specialized research on particular employers if you can (i.e. latest reports, current media issues etc.) By the way a big part of this presentation is dress, never come to a career fair in "professional casual" attire. Be dressed like the sharpest executive on wall street.

4. Get there early. Unfortunately some people always seem to wait until noon to attend career fairs, and guess what they will be joined by hundreds of other candidates, in some cases thousands, many long lines, and greeted by rushed employers. Get there early, you'll have shorter lines, a better opportunity to talk with employers, you will also reach employers when they have more energy and time to give you more quality attention. When you arrive early you may be able to avoid long registration lines as well.

5. Follow-up. Never leave without individual contact information of recruiters, especially of employers that really impressed you. Follow-up with emails, and yes, written letters are a popular novelty if you send it to a recruiter with a nice card. Find out the next time the employer will be in town, or on campus. Make sure you schedule time to make a follow-up connection with the employer in near future.

Make it happen for yourself, you deserve it!
Any other recommendations readers?

Kim R. Wells

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ideal Industries and Employers for African American Students

Universum, one of the world's leaders in employer branding and talent management strategy, released earlier this year it's 2007 diversity report regarding African American student career interests.

The report was based on survey data gathered from 16,087 diverse student respondents from MBA and undergraduate students at 137 colleges and universities.

African American undergraduates listed as its preferred industries:
1. Government / Public Service - 19%
2. Health care - 18%
3. Education / Teaching - 14%
4. Entertainment / Media / Public Relations - 12%
5. Financial Services - 10%

African American MBA students listed the following as its preferred industries:
1. Financial Services - 26%
2. Management Consulting - 25%
3. Consumer Goods - 18%
4. Entertainment / Media / Public Relations - 12%
5. Investment Banking - 12%

The top 5 employers in the "Ideal Employer Ranking"
for African American undergraduate students were:
1. Google
2. Nike
3. U.S Department of State
4. Microsoft
5. Walt Disney

The top 5 employers in the "Ideal Employer Ranking"
for African American MBAs were:
1. McKinsey & Company
2. Google
3. Goldman Sachs
4. Bank of America
5. Coca-Cola

Kim R. Wells

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Talk about a Professional Edge!

In looking to succeed in the future one must remember examples of greatness in the past. Many of today's young Black professionals are so caught up in the daily battles for opportunity, respect and significance they often forget that they are not the first generation of African Americans to face great challenges...and succeed.

Through the book Martin Luther King on Leadership (one of my personal favorites), written by Donald Phillips, Dr. King shares his personal and professional strategies for success with a new generation of Black leaders.

"Let nobody fool you, all the loud noises we hear today are nothing but the death groans of a dying system. The old order is passing away, the new order is coming into being. But whenever there is anything new there are new responsibilities. As we think of this coming new world we must think of the challenge that we confront and the new responsibilities that stand before us. We must prepare to live in a new world."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

August 11, 1956

Some excellent words to today's young leaders include:

"Your job is too great and the days are too bright to be bickering in the darkness over jealously, deadening competition, and internal ego struggles"

"Seek to transform your suffering into a creative force"

"A refusal to be stopped, the courage to be, the determination to go on in spite of, is the hallmark of great movements"

"Whenever you set out to build a temple, you must face the fact that there is a tension at the heart of the universe between good and evil"

"A firm sense of self-esteem is the most powerful weapon against slander and vilification"

"Tie your vision to the human desire for a better tomorrow"

"If you can't stop for an average person in your organization, then you don't need to pursue your lofty goals"

"The road map for your movement may change, but your final destination should remain the same"

"Your organization will prosper or die as a result of your ability to create, embody, and communicate a vision"

Let us know what you think

Kim R. Wells

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Chaz Kyser Comments on "Learning to Work with Your Peoples"

A great comment on the previous entry "Learning to Work with Your Peoples" from Author Chaz Kyser. Check out Chaz's popular new book, Embracing the Real World, The Black Woman's Guide to Life After College.

Chaz writes...

Thank you for addressing such a touchy, but common issue among Black people. I too have often found that Black people don't give me the same level of service they would give a person of another color, or they don't give me the same respect. I have even experienced this with students. I think that part of the reason is that we often just feel "too comfortable" with other Black people--even those we don't know. We think we can say things we normally would not say to a person of another ethnic group because another Black person will "cut us more slack" or see us as "just keeping it real." I love the sometimes natural camaraderie that Black people often share, but it seems like that camaraderie should make one treat another Black person better than those of other ethnic groups, not worse.

See Chaz's featured column on Black Collegian online at

Let us know what you think.

Kim R. Wells

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Best Places to Work in Government

According to a recent report released by the Partnership for Public Service the following are the best employers in the federal government according to Black or African American employees.

Maybe their next report will shed some light on the continued challenges reported by African American students and graduates in applying for federal opportunities (smile).

Let us know what you think.

Kim R. Wells

Friday, September 7, 2007

What are the Top Human Resource Issues of the Upcoming Election?

According to recent survey results released by the Society of Human Resource Management's HR Issues Update the following are the top Human Resource issues their readers felt should be covered in the Presidential Debates:

  • Health care reform

  • Immigration reform

Rounding out the field were:

  • Family and Medical Leave Policies

  • Skills Shortage/Workforce Readiness

  • Pay Equity/Executive Compensation

  • Employer-Provided Education Tax Credits"

What important employment and HR issues do think need to be discussed in the debates and throughout the election year?

Kim R. Wells

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Surveyed HR and Training Executives Unsure How to Apply Diversity

Based on article written by Kathy Gurchiek, Putting Diversity into Practice Stymies Many Firms, HR News 8/27/07 6:45 AM

According to a recent article by Kathy Gurchiek in Society of Human Resource Management's HR News putting diversity into practice has been a challenge for many firms. For many of you young professionals looking to access and advance in today's top corporations this may be of interest to you.

According to the article organizations are increasingly committed to diversity in their workforce, but one-fourth of more than 2,000 senior HR and training executives polled are unsure how to apply it and leverage its benefits; a conclusion based on findings by the Boston-based Novations Group, a global consulting organization that commissioned the Internet survey of 2,046 workers conducted in February 2007.

Other findings:

• 48 percent of senior management accepts the business case for diversity and does what is necessary to leverage inclusion with the organization.

• 14 percent of senior management gives lip service to diversity but lets HR pursue its inclusion efforts.

• 9 percent of senior management is not convinced of the business case for diversity but supports inclusion efforts.

• 5 percent of senior management does not accept the business case for diversity and gives little or no support to inclusion efforts.

Let us know what you think

Kim R. Wells

Monday, September 3, 2007

Are You An Asset or Liability?

Are you perceived as an Asset or a Liability to those you work with in school, at your internship, or as a young professional in the corporate world? Although some of us would never admit it to others, we sometimes already know the answer.

Racism is real, but racism aside, a lot of people simply aren't delivering value everyday to the people and teams that depend on them daily. Racism didn't hold millions of other Black executives from achieving, the rule of the jungle was / and is to move forward in spite of racism, to demonstrate your professional value, and not to let others deny you what is rightfully yours.

Being perceived as a liability costs you in promotion opportunities, being selected for high profile projects, cost you in salary, and being invited to interact with elite networks where decisions and opportunities are decided. People invest time and effort in people they see as valuable, they will not invest in those that are seen as "tolerated" or draining liabilities on their teams, projects, and resources.

Here are some tough professional questions to ask yourself. If you are honest congratulations, you can develop a plan and connect with people to improve your performance and outlook in these areas. If you are not honest and lie to yourself, I can guarantee that you will eventually slip into the "blame game" and professional mediocrity.

After answering each question ask yourself, based on my response and given the context of my current work environment, would I be perceived as a liability or an asset?

  • Is your reputation impeccable? If not why?

  • If asked would most people say you can be counted on to deliver?

  • Could you be replaced easily?

  • Do others believe you eliminate unnecessary barriers to get work done?

  • Are you well versed in the latest technology in your field?

  • If asked would others say you deliver your work in a timely manner?

  • Do others believe you can handle sensitive issues?

  • If asked would most people say you are accessible in a timely manner?

  • Would most in your immediate circles if asked say you are a "doer" or a "complainer"?

  • In your circles do you continuously discusses how hard you work? Do you think this is valued, or perceived as you are struggling to perform your duties?

  • Are you satisfied with your ability to turn out high quality work quickly?

  • Do you have a mastery of the critical management processes required to deliver in your field?

  • Will your current professional colleagues vouch for you in a crisis?

  • Do you take off a lot of time being sick or for personal issues?

  • If you were out tomorrow from work would anyone miss you?

  • Are you a team player, able to work with and lead people from different races and the multiple generations now working in today's workforce?

  • Are there other people that you work with who are more known for getting the job done than you?

  • Are you perceived as an "ideas person," but sometimes struggle to bring projects to completion?

  • Who are your closest 4 professional colleagues? Why?

  • Are you compensated properly for what you do?

Let us know what you think.

Kim R. Wells

Thursday, August 30, 2007

2007 National Black MBA Conference: Black MBAs You Need to Be There!

The National Black MBA Conference is one of the best student/professional development and networking conferences in the nation. If you are a current MBA student, MBA graduate, or an employer who is serious about seeking top African American business talent you need to be there!

September 11-16, 2007

Orlando, Florida

The NBMBA Conference will have one of the largest professional Career Fairs in the nation featuring more than 350 major corporations and universities seeking quality talent. This is the best opportunity for identifying potential organizations to target within your job search, sharing your resume, exploring job opportunities, and informally interviewing with Human Resources and business representatives. Having your MBA is great, but it is not about what you know...but who you know!
To register for the event,


Sunday, August 26, 2007

FACEbook and MySpace: Remember Employers Are Looking

A recent article about FaceBook and MySpace discussed the new trend of employers reviewing these popular social networking sites for insights and information about job candidates. If you are a student or young professional with postings on these sites that may be..."less than flattering," than you may want to read the below article. KRW

Facebook and MySpace thwarting job opportunities


NEW YORK, NY -- According to a March survey by Ponemon Institute, a privacy think tank, 35 percent of hiring managers use Google to do online background checks on job candidates, and 23 percent look people up on social networking sites. About one-third of those Web searches lead to rejections, according to the survey.

Social networking sites have gained popularity among hiring managers because of their convenience and a growing anxiety about hiring the right people, researchers say. Job candidates who maintain personal sites on Facebook or MySpace are learning - sometimes the hard way - that the image they present to their friends on the Internet may not be best suited for landing the position they're seeking. Big corporations long have retained professional investigators to check job applicants' academic degrees, criminal records and credit reports. But until now the cost has deterred the ability of smaller firms to do the same level of checking, said Sue Murphy, a director of National Human Resources Association. One problem is that there is little to prevent hiring managers from discriminating on the basis of personal information discovered through social Web sites.

Let us know what you think

Kim R. Wells