PROFESSIONAL EDGE with columnist Kim R. Wells, from the WWW.BLACKCOLLEGIAN.COM Career Center

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Integrating New Technology in Learning: What a Concept!

Attached is a fantastic YouTube video that was put together by students at KSU. This video is "the message" KSU students want every professor and staff member at colleges or universities to see about their needs, and the power of integrating new technology and innovation to meet those needs. This is one of the most profound messages I have seen in my years in consulting and career development regarding the learning needs and expectations of the “millennial generation.”

Many of us have taken significant steps to integrate new technologies into our professional learning, not to mention our daily lives, but this video is a sharp reminder of the needs that have evolved for today's college students and young professionals, and how we should all take a closer look at the technologies of our times to reshape learning and academic excellence.

Take a look at this video and let us know what you think. To many of you this may seem like old news, but the world would love to hear what you think this video is saying, and what you see as the next steps we should all take to create a new generation of learning. Enjoy the clip. Share your views.

Kim R. Wells

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is powerful. The challenge is getting learning institutions and particularly professors who were raised in a different world to bridge the gap. I am passing this on to my staff and my own college students. Thanks for sharing this.